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In the end I think it's not meant to be. God has a better place planned for us and there's not much we can do about it.
Anyway, I'm going to the dress maker to get my wedding dress altered and my matron of honour Liz is getting some straps put on her dress. I had bought some fabric and thought I had bought a blue that was similar but no it's completely different. Moh. Oh well maybe it will look fine.
On a random note, here are two pictures from last weekend. It was Jason's brother's girlfriend's (that's a mouthful) 21st party. She had a spring/pastel theme going.
I don't actually have a spring looking dresses really. And this top is a peachy colour but you can't really tell. So I put a flower to compensate.
She had pretty lights strung up. I tried to take some photos of it but my camera can never really capture the right lighting. So I had to Poladroid it.
Here is some pretty inspiration for the weekend.....
Via Tumblr
Via i.Anton
Via P*Garnet
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Via Weheartit
Via 100 Layer Cake
Via Fleur Avenue
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Have a wonderful weekend! I'll be working, looking at wedding rings, checking out a hotel, doing wedding invites and more planning.