Friday, 24 May 2013

Postcard Scavenger Hunt Swap

Hello lovely people. I hope you have had a good week. Lately I've been thinking about mail and letters and I want to do another swap on my blog. It makes me miss my little mail group which I've stopped because it was too difficult to do by myself. So I thought I could do some occasional swaps on my blog instead.

I thought I would host a Postcard Scavenger Hunt Swap. How it works:

♥ I will assign you one swap partner for the duration of the swap. There will be four prompts and each week you will need to send out one postcard to your swap partner for four consecutive weeks. I will give you at least two weeks to find your postcards and then the swapping begins. 

Swap timeline:

Sign up closes on the 31st May 2013 Closed 
♥ Partners assigned by the 3rd June
♥ First Postcard to be sent 21st June
♥ Second Postcard to be sent 28th June 
♥ Third Postcard to be sent 5 July
♥ Fourth Postcard to be sent 12 July

♥ Black and white
♥ Arty/illustration
♥ Colourful
♥ Beauty

These prompts are fairly general so you can send whatever you think fits the topic. This is a pretty low risk swap and really doesn't cost much to send a postcard (interstate or overseas) but I ask to please not sign up unless you are ready to commit to sending four postcards. Plus if you do sign up please send postcards that you will like to receive yourself and to put some thought into it. 

To join:
♥ Email me gracienne.nancy{at}gmail{dot}com with the following:
1. Your full and address
2. Whether you are willing to send overseas (depending on who signs up you may need to send overseas so please keep that in mind if you really don't want to send overseas) 
3. List 5 likes (to help your swap partner)
4. Your blog/Twitter/Instagram/Other social media site

So this is supposed to be fun but I need to set guidelines because I want everyone who joins to receive their four postcards. Please only join if you have a blog or Instagram or Twitter or some type of Social media site that you can be checked so you don't just disappear on me. I'm sorry if this sounds so strict but mail is meant to be fun and enjoyable and I know it can be disappointing when you don't receive anything. 

I hope do more of these light swaps so be on the lookout and sign up :)

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Ballet fun

Hello lovely people. It's been awhile since I've been around. I've written a few posts this year about my goals and how this year is going to be the best year. I did a letterpress workshop and for the past few weeks I've been doing a beginners ballet class. It's a 10 week course and I'm half way through. Ballet for fun and fitness is something I've wanted to do for years. I did it for a bit as a child and a little bit at school in my dance class but I'm doing it now because I want to. 

I usually do Tuesday night classes but I missed my last class so I went to a Saturday morning class today. I like doing ballet in the day time because the sunlight filters through the dance studio.

I love my little ballet shoes. They are extremely comfortable. 

I love ballet. It's an amazing way to build up flexibility and strength. I might continue and do another 10 week course after this one is completed I enjoy it that much. Have any of you taken an adult dance class for fun before?

Have a wonderful weekend.

P.S. I've also joined Bloglovin' too. Follow my blog with Bloglovin :)

Friday, 3 May 2013

Micah's (very belated) birthday photos.

Hello hello! My nephew Micah had his 2nd birthday a few months ago and I'm only sharing his party now. 

Birthday boy. 

With his daddy my big bro. 


My nephew Elijah loved this tiny skateboard. 

Piñata time.

Siblings. My nephews Caeleb and Isaiah with their sister Layla.

Octonauts cake my sister in law Gem made (Micah's mum). She has a cake business too. 

Chocolate face.

Me with my name plate necklace my parents got for my birthday.

My handsome hubby. 

We love celebrating birthdays in my family. It's also the time when we all get together and hang out which is one of my favourite things to do. What's better than sun, family, food and just enjoying each other's company? I will have to share Micah's story soon too :) 

Have a wonderful weekend.