Christmas and New Year are both finished! It's crazy when you think about how fast it has all gone. I do hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas and New Year.
I thought I would do a little wrap up. I've taken photos of the things I received. So I hope you all don't mind that.

This first lot is from friends. The first is from Laura. I love those gorgeous tie up sandle shoes. The next is from Kristina. A jar full of yummy Cadbury Favourites chocolate and some movie vouchers. And the last is some little felt butterflies from Melly to be used for my note cards.

The first present is from my brother Alvin. He got me some of those new Giselle thongs (this is what we call them here).
The next is from Paula my sister in law's mum. It's for my trip overseas. So a great practical present.
The last two pics are from my oldest brother Rolf, my sis in law Liz and the two boys Isaiah and Caeleb. There's a black dress which I use for work, a white knit dress, Tommy Hilfiger True Star body wash, some summer wedges (though unfortunately a bit too big for me), a little Revlon makeup bag with some Revlon eyeshadow and Lancome mascara( my collection of makeup is sparse lol), some blue bikini bottoms and the last thing there is 2 Fast 2 Furious dvd which Liz added as it was meant to be for Rolf but he had already watched it.

This next lot is from Jason's family. The first pic is from his grandma and grandpa. It was a beach style present. So a beach towel, some thongs (flip flops?), some chocolate, one of those Green bags from Coles (a supermarket) and she made one of the coat hangers.
The next is from Jason's dad Peter, step mum Sandra and Melinda his sister. A little jewellery box with a simple pearl charm on a necklace.
The next is from Jason's brother Brodie and his girlfriend Emily. I'm a hot chocolate fan so they got me a little pack with a large mug, some mini marshmellows, hot chocolate powder and this tiny whisk. They also got my the new Alicia Keys album, which I am listening to right now.
The last photo is from his mum. Those yummy gourmet chocolates and this lavender sachet to keep in my drawers. But she also put money towards a ticket for Phantom of the Opera (this March I think it is).

This one is from Jason. He got me the cutest smock style dress, a sweet new bikini which I can't wait to try at the beach, a little headband to use for Christmas at work, a Tamagotchi (lol childish I know - heaps of kids would have received them this Christmas), this Mayan civilization kit (I love history and I thought this was cute at work) and four magazines (which I received before Christmas as they were mainly Christmas issues). There's Martha Stewart Living, Blueprint, Teen Vogue and Inside out. The first three are harder to get here. I got the Teen Vogue because it had Natalie Portman on the front and I love her.
Sorry this is a chatty blog =p. Oh and with everything happening I forgot to mention that I got a haircut. It's quite short. I got it just before Christmas.

I took this in the car when Jason and I were going around looking at Christmas lights. You can't see my hair that well but it's short though it's grown a bit since I got it cut.
This is my first real day off work since before Christmas, so I'm loving it. I had to work on Boxing Day and New Years day. Not fun. And I've been on a shoe craze lately.
Oh and I forgot to say what my parents gave me. They bought me a desk! It's lovely and long. Perfect for my new room. As my brother Alvin is moving out at the end of this week so I'm getting his room and my bedroom is turning into the craft room!

This is the desktop and I have one of those storage units and the other side is a set of drawers. That's what I love about Ikea is being able to mix and match items. I guess it's more a work table than a desk.

I hope to buy this one (the white) after I get back from the Philippines in February. It's like a graduation present to myself. And I think I have worked for it so I think I deserve it? =)
There is so much more to post but I have so much to do. And I'm going away in 1 1/2 weeks to go to the Philippines with my parents and Jason is coming along. His first trip overseas! More about that soon!
Sorry this post is all over the place.