I am loving the rain though as it hasn't rained properly since about February and we really need it. Our dams need it so much.

Here is another flickr mosaic. It's mainly of little baby booties. I find them soo cute and I would love to make some to decorate. Plus I have this dream to be able to make baby clothes and donate them to various charities and other organisations. But this will come in time. The pictures are mainly from Japanese craft books and a few from other magazine images. They are inspiring me lately.
Anyway, I will leave it here and hope you all are well.

Anyway, I am so much more inspired at the moment. I have 50 million ideas running through my head. A few being: making stationary sets (I have ideas for kraft paper and parchment paper), baking some cupcakes, and going to an actual sewing course! Yay! I've emailed the instructor to figure out details. I hope I will be able to.

1. handmade ZAKKA - ISBN 457911017X, 2. ISBN 407246385X - For Sweet Baby, 3. cloth shoes with buttons, 4. Chenille booties, 5. ISBN 4529043479, 6. cotton time 08.5, 7. Another project from Marie Claire idees, 8. spring arrival, 9. Marie Claire Idees
Here is another flickr mosaic. It's mainly of little baby booties. I find them soo cute and I would love to make some to decorate. Plus I have this dream to be able to make baby clothes and donate them to various charities and other organisations. But this will come in time. The pictures are mainly from Japanese craft books and a few from other magazine images. They are inspiring me lately.
Anyway, I will leave it here and hope you all are well.
