Hello my lovelies!! Well so much has happened and I can't wait to share it with you all. I'm at my parents house so I have Internet while Jason goes to the gym (sigh I need to exercise).
I stopped looking things up on my iPhone because my bill came in and it was huge! (for me). So no more looking up blogs until we get some form of Internet. We are getting dial up next week while we wait for our proper one to get set up. I don't care if it's dial up I just need my net!
So as you know I've gotten married. gone on a honeymoon and had my 25Th birthday! And moved into a new house. Can you believe it's been 19 days married already! I remember counting down from 19 days.
Anyway, I'm doing a quick blog to post a few wedding photos. We got our professional ones back but I want to go through them first to pick which ones I'll add. Here are some photos from friends (a lot are Laura's)
This was the night before the wedding. My BM's and I had dinner. The hotel we stayed in was beyond amazing! This is us in the elevator.
Getting my hair done.
The detail.
Waiting for my hair to go down.
Next are my beautiful bridesmaids. I had the most stunning bridal party! I love them all.
Laura playing around with her camera. I adore the hand mirror.

Again posing for the camera.
In the limo. This is my 'ferret' face. When I get nervous I go a bit silly. I laugh a lot and pull faces.

Husband and wife!

Mr and Mrs Standen :) and Laura's beautiful candelabra.

Part of our centre pieces. There had to be butterflies.

Just had to add this in. Laura and I having a dance.
Thara giving me a seedy kiss :p
They are just a selection of photos. I have a lot more but I might just add them as we go or just post the Facebook album link.
I will actually write about the day another time. There really is so much to share.
Taken by
Sharon was really great! She's so lovely and she did such a fantastic job. I will definitely be sharing the professional pics soon.
Thank you for all your well wishes and greetings. I would love to have a giveaway again soon. Thanks for waiting around while I couldn't post. I hope to get back into it very soon. And commenting too!
Your were absolutely gorgeous!!!!
I cant wait to see all the pictures and hear all the details!!!
Gracie, it is so nice to hear from you! I have been looking so forward to seeing photos and they are absolutely beautiful. You looked gorgeous and you look so so happy. I totally agree you had a beautiful bridal party. Cant wait to hear and see more. x
Oh wowwww, Gracieeeee...:') *speechless*
Congratulations again, you pretty wifey youuu. All these pictures got me all girly and wanted to jump up and down. You're such a beautiful bride and you have pretty bridesmaids. Your wedding looked really dreamy. Update us on the honeymoon, and your first birthday as a married woman, aren't you the happiest girl of the year? Lol. Smooch.
Oh my goodness, Gracie! I have to agree...your bridal party is GORGEOUS...but you took the cake. Your dress is so pretty. And those shoes are HOT! Can't wait to see more. Looks like you had a fabulous day! Congratulations and welcome back - sort of.
hey mrs. standen!!! soooo good to have you back! i have missed you. your wedding looked sooooo beautiful, gracie! simply beautiful, just like the bride. you are amazing! and i just loved your heels. what a great start to the year, eh, gracie? :D jason is so blessed to have such a wonderful and gorgeous wife.
it's so surreal that the day has come and gone. you are now husband and wife! congratulations over and over again. i hope everything is well with you! <3
so so so beautiful!
congratulations darling!!
Gracie you looked absolutely stunning and have to agree with everyone that the rest of the bridal party looked beautiful too.
Congratulations! Now looking forward to lots more posts and piccies
You look so beautiful and so happy. Congratulations again!
Gorgeous wedding! And you are right, such stunning bridesmaids. You look so beautiful! Where is your hotel, it is amazing!!! Great photogrphers, love the photos! Thanks for sharing and congratulations :)
Oh my.... you were amazingly beautiful. I knew you would be... but to actually see it... wow. Jason must have lost his breath for a bit seeing you. I cannot wait to see more, and am so glad your big day was so perfect. Congrats!!!!
So lovely pictures!
Looks like it was a PERFECT day! You were beyond stunning... Congratulations... Blessing for a marriage as happy as your wedding day!
Gorgeous, gorgeous girl! Congratulations! You make such a beautiful bride. Can't wait to see more pics!
Oh my god you look so stunning and your dress is beautiful. I love your shoes too they are gorgeous.
Such pretty bridesmaids too and Jason looks great xx
Congratulations Gracie and happy belated birthday xx
honey, these photos are so gorgeous! you made a beautiful bride! :) the hotel is stunning, and everything looks so delightful! i can't wait to see more! :)
Wow, such a beatiful wedding!!
CONGRATS on all fronts! You looked so so beautiful! And that candelabra is just incredible!
So I just opened this post now! Yah, remember I spent days at the village, I couldn't open pictures but now I can and awwwwwww... all those are really adorablee!!!
You're so preeettyyy!! and all the bridesmaid too! and I love how happy your face is in every pictures! :D
wait, how come you don't look nervous at all? You're good at hiding it! Haha :D
Gorgeous! Can't wait for you to be back fully and hear more from you! xo.
You look beautiful and what a spectacular day! x
you look so beautiful Gracie, congratulations once again to you and Jason and to a beautiful life ahead as hubsband and wife!!
all the photos are gorgeous - such lovely details - your dress is beautiful too!! so elegant, looks like a perfect day!!
I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE that last picture! and your dress is BEAUTIFUL! but of course, BEAUTIFUL dress for the BEAUTIFUL bride!!! :)
oh Gracie... i can't wait to see the rest. I'M SOOO EXCITED FOR YOU MRS.!!! :)
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