This past weekend it was my little nephew Caeleb's 2nd birthday. They had a little gathering in the park on Saturday. It was fun. It was a really nice park too. So many things to play on. No wonder Cael didn't want to do anything else except play on the equipment. Here are a few photos from the day.

This is the birthday boy. He had a lot of fun playing on the different pieces of equipment.

Isn't this a lovely cake? It's so cute. Too bad it had to be cut through. But I love that there is a picture on it. It's very sweet.

This Cael with a bit of cake on his face already after dipping his fingers in the icing. That's his mum in the background, my sister in law.

This is both of my nephews. The older one Isaiah. Thought I would just add one of them cutting the cake.

And Jason and me. I have to chuck in a photo of us of course. It got a bit windy when we took the photo. It was a fun day. Afterwards we went to another gathering to eat. We are always eating it seems.
I'm going to spend the day doing more cleaning before I have to go back to uni which is next week! Eep! I only have this year left. So that's really exciting and scary at the same time.
Anyway until next time xox