* Spiritual/Christian Life
1. Be involved in Kingdom Advancers at church
2. Attend the youth/young adults conference with John Bevere in January 2009
3. Watch my Lisa Bevere 'Fight like a girl' dvd and follow the workbook
4. Take notes at church for a month (0/4) - hopefully be a regular note taker
5. Read all Lisa Bevere books
6. Go to Cambodia with my church to help with the rescue home
7. Attend a women's church conference
8. Read 12 Christian spiritual development books
9. Write in my prayer journal once a month for the duration of this project (0/22)
* Self, Health & Fitness
10. Be able to run 5km
11. Stretch often and aim to be able to do the splits
12. Go on 5 hikes, each at a different location (0/5)
13. Have a pamper me day
14. Use Wii Fit 3 times a week for a month (0/12)
15. Create an exercise routine and follow it for a month (0/31) - try and continue with it
* Creative Endeavours
16. Cook 10 new recipes (0/10)
17. Bake 5 different types of dessert (0/5)
18. Try 8 DIY projects from magazines and websites
19. Make 2 scrapbooks (0/2)
20. Hand sew 5 softies/plushies (0/5)
21. Complete 5 cute hand embroidered patterns (0/5)
22. Try 8 projects from Martha Stewart - magazine and website (0/8)
23. Sew 5 items (0/5)
24. Make some fairy wings, a wand and a crown
25. Make some soap - get a kit
26. Decorate two canvases (0/2)
27. Stencil 5 singlets/tops (0/5)
28. Make 40 different fabric buttons (0/40)
29. Make 4 flower brooches (0/4)
30. Create 20 polyvore sets (0/20)
31. Design my own stationery set
32. Make 10 paper dresses (0/10)
33. Make an advent calender
34. Make a fantasy/fairytale like collage
35. Create a fashion scrapbook made up of my favourite costumes and fashion eras
36. Do a photo scavenger hunt
37. Make 100 Etsy sales
38. Make a children's book
39. Make a quote book
* Things to learn: Classes, knowlege, skill
40. Take a sewing lesson/course
41. Learn to knit - make a scarf
42. Learn to crochet
43. Take a book binding class
44. Develop my photo shop skills
45. Relearn basic French
46. Relearn basic Spanish
47. Take a surfing lesson
48. Go to a pilates class
49. Take a dance class
50. Go to a ceramic painting class/lesson
51. Relearn calligraphy and learn a few different styles
52. Learn how to letter press
53. Get my first aid and CPR certificate
54. Get my drivers license
55. Renew my blue card
56. Learn all the features of my Macbook laptop and iPhone
* Reading, Writing and watching
57. Read 100 new books (0/100)
58. Watch 50 movies new or old that I haven't seen (0/50)
59. Blog everyday for a month (0/31)
60. Go to the beach or a park, bring a journal and camera and reflect - 5 times (0/5)
61. Write a fairytale
* Entertainment and arts
62. Watch 2 ballets (0/2)
63. Watch 2 musicals (0/2)
64. Go to a Queensland Roar soccer game
65. Watch 2 bands play live (0/2)
* For Others
66. Do 10 random acts of kindness (0/10)
67. Leave a gift under a Christmas tree for charity - one for a boy and a girl
68. Volunteer to be a cuddle mum at the Mater hospital
69. Take my nephews out for a play date twice (0/2)
70. Give 10 care packages/just because gifts to friends (0/10)
71. Sell a special set of mini note cards and have all proceeds go to my church's Cambodia Rescue home
72. Donate to 10 different charities
73. Send out 10 'just because' letters (0/10)
74. Finish my Pay it Forward
75. Complete my journal with Alicia
*Organise, Clean, Declutter
76. Completely organise and edit all my photos
77. Clean and organise my room completely
78. Organise my laptop and transfer all my files from the PC
79. Organise my links, favourites and websites
80. Make/organise a stationery/gift drawer
* Fun and Experiences
81. Ride a horse
82. Complete a sudoku book
83. Go up the Q1 tower on the Gold Coast
84. Go to Thunderbird park and mine thunderbird eggs
85. Go to the Planetarium
86. Play a computer game with Jason
87. Go on 5 days trips and visit some little towns (0/5)
88. Play/make 4 childrens craft/science kits (0/4)
89. Make and decorate Christmas decorations with my nephews
90. Go shopping in Melbourne
91. Go scuba diving
92. Go on 5 picnics (0/5)
93. Go to Dreamworld and White Water world
94. Buy a website/domain
95. Go camping
96. Go to the horse Races to dress up
97. Meet some blog friends
* For my future
98. Plan a wedding
99. Get married
100. Go overseas with Jason after we get married
101. Buy a house
And that's the list. I know the last four are quite personal but I don't really mind sharing them as that's how I see my life as being by the end of this project.
One last thing, I keep on forgetting to ask if anyone wants to participate in my Pay It Forward. Well I received my package from Anastasia and I am looking for anyone who is willing to participate. I will send out three packages which will be filled with note cards, some stationery and other little bits. So either email me or let me know in the comments section. Thanks!

What a neat list!! Thanks for sharing!!
kari & kijsa
what an awesome list!! i love writing lists too... hope you get to acheive it all...
wow! that is quite the committment... i couldn't think that far ahead [not with kids, it seems]... my energy levels are unpredictable- and i can barely do stuff for christmas HAHA... its a wonderful goal and i wish you well!! your handmade cards are DARLING!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! i use them to [minus one since i wanna keep one forever] say thank you in my packages... that way its advertising for you too ;) they are REALLY beautiful!! thank you again!
An absolutely wonderul list. I wish them all to come true : )
I remember your list! I thought it was a wonderful idea back then and I still do!
I loved reading all the things on your updated list. Esp. those last four!!!! Sounds like big exciting changes for you soon :)
oh, what a fantastic list...this is how i first met your blog...i'm not sure how i found you, maybe through Ellia's blog but your list back then was absolutely inspirational...you and your list helped me start my blog (which has been on my list to do for ages!) and i totally agree with Ellia having lil' ones can be challenging to accomplish those many lists floating in my head but writing them down puts everything in context and makes it a little bit more easier to complete...i love your lists...every single one...i also have to agree with Bejeweled...i'm hoping the last 4 wishes come true for you...your life together will be a beauty and your kids will all be knockouts!!!!! xoxo jo ;)
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