From Christmas last year
Reading... The Picture of Dorian Gray, assorted magazines, Lonely Planet Europe on a Shoestring and Lonely Plant USA
Planning... Beach trips, wedding invitations, bridesmaid accessories, Christmas presents and decorations, an overseas trip for next year
Wanting... To buy a Christmas tree (already know which one I want)
Hoping... To get a haircut, to get a massage
Finding... The joy and beauty in all the little things
Wishing... I could take good photos, I was travelling
Needing... To relax and to start enjoying all the wedding preps and other plans.
Feeling... Happy, tired, excited, a bit nervous
Obsessing... Over where to travel next year....Europe or USA
I want to read more and write more like in these images. Getting lost in a book and writing my own memories.
Image via Weheartit
Image via Flickr
Image via Gingerlillytea
Image via Wasting
So lots of things happening for the rest of the year really. And I'm trying to decide where to travel next year with Jason. Europe or USA are the contenders. Any thoughts?
Have a lovely week!!
How exciting about your travelling plans! I bet you can't wait! :D America has the bonus of being English speaking, which may make it a good start for your travels. However, apparently it's very expensive to experience sometimes (depending on how you want to do it, i guess?). You should download Hamish and Andy's Caravan of Courage podcasts :p they're awesome. Europe, so I've heard, can be cheaper, but there's the language barrier. But I'm sure that could be overcome. Both would be fantastic! I can't wait to see New York... :) :D
Oooo I would suggest Europe (but I am bias and I never been to US myself either!) hee hee!
Glad to hear you are feeling happier and beginning to see the way forward clearer.
I can highly recommend Turkey, Greek Islands, Italy, Malta/Gozo (just had an amazing holiday on Gozo) and of course UK!
I love those magical pictures!!
Some gorgeous pics here Grace too!
I love both US and Europe but it depends on what u look for. If you're into dynamic things, something modern then go to states but since you'd be newlyweds by then why not Europe? Seriously romantic :)
I hope you get everything you want, need and hope for!! As far as travel goes...I vote for USA. Florida perhaps? Ah ha
It was wonderful reading this post! Nice to know what you are currently up to, feeling and so on. I was thinking perhaps Europe?
I think if you want a more cultured experience, then Europe is definitely top of the list! :) I've been to New York City and it was a wonderful experience, but it was mostly just shopping, museum-hopping and visiting those touristy places like Liberty Island (to have a look at the Statue of Liberty). Typical fast-paced city life. However, I'd love to go to Europe for its beautiful architecture and scenery plus historical buildings. Imagine, a night in Paris! Or visiting the Vatican. So lovely. But it's up to you my dear Gracie.
Sounds like an exciting month ahead! :)) Take care, love. x
hmm i would choose eurpoe, because duh i live in the usa ;) but i dont know..we're pretty cool over here so a visit to nyc im sure would be amazing. i could definitely tell you a ton of spots in new york! i love the idea of this post, i agree with so many of the things you listed :) have a great week girl! &heart;
knowing you chica, I'd say go Europe first - I know you'd appreciate and enjoy it more, plus there'd be so many romantic spots you and Jase could enjoy together.
You can always go to America after... more specifically South America coz I know you've been itching to go there since highschool lol
AMazingggg pllans! I too would love to learn how to take better pictures...I think it may have to do with the camera...but those high tech ones are complicated to use! Love your blog...looking forward to reading more!:)
I'm also hoping to get a haircut! Happy Monday!
Aaaaahhhhh Europe!!! I'm saving my $$$ too! I think Europe would make for a strong contender. So many different places and cultures to experience! I think in the not too distant future j and I will do a working holiday and stay with his fam in Ireland. Sigh... So many amazing places to see, I think the US could be quite exciting also... X
Traveling. Oh how I wish I could go around the world! I think you should go to Europe... I haven't been there before but the US to me seems so 'normal' when you compare it to Europe!! However, I am going to LA next month but if I could afford it, I'd pick Europe for sure!
you've been a busy girl!! enjoyed reading your October post...i might try it too!
not long till your wedding!!
oh and as for the travels...depends what you want to see/do but I do love the history and grandeur of Europe...its very romantic..Paris, Prague..Greek Islands stunning!! USA is fun too! maybe you can do both?
I've always wanted to travel to Europe..
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