Hello lovelies! I've had a busy work week and it's so hard catching up with journals, letters, blogging, cleaning...
Anyway, I started feeling reminiscent this week. I think what started it was seeing a good friend from high school that I haven't seen in years. And then while cleaning this morning I was listening to my music on shuffle and a Backstreet Boys song came on. It really made me start thinking about high school. So I thought I would go through some old school photos and share them :) And a few thoughts from those years.
Be aware a lot of these photos aren't great. They are taken with a film camera. Also why I don't have as many photos as I think I would if I had a digital camera back then.
Our athletics team was defending champions. This was a fun photo I remember.
I still see these girls occasionally. They were at my wedding too! This was at a warm up athletics meet.
At the major athletics meet. We came 2ND I think :( It was a real shame. The tiny photo is me wrapped up in our school banner.
Kim, me and Alice again. This is us in assembly. One of the last we ever had in year 12.
My friend Doni and me. He used to call me Pixie because I was so small apparently. He loved hugs.
I think this was my ancient history class. I loved this class it was great.
The top photo is my Physical Education class. And the bottom is modern history.
Most of my classes revolved around sport, dance or some type of history :)
Sorry the photos are so poor. I scanned them as these were printed out and placed in an album already.
Sometimes I miss school and my friends and just hanging out at lunch time. I look back and it was a happy time for me. I was a lot more up beat about everything and I used to dance around and sing without caring.
Here is what I remember from high school....
* I liked soccer players or runners
* I had a huge love for everything Latino/Spanish....music, dancing, people, countries, the language
* I wanted to be a physical education teacher
* I was into R n B music from about year 10 onwards
* I was already obsessed with stationery
* I had journals with friends that we would write in and pass it around until it was filled up. Whoever bought the journal kept it. I still have all those journals :)
* I had a lot of crushes over the years lol
* After athletics training (or hockey training) we would buy a cheese and bacon roll and orange juice (how healthy haaa!)
* I used to love to do 3 way hugs or have 3 way phone conversations (or just use the phone so much more)
* I had some major crush on this guy and only ever chatted to him on MSN. I even talked to him on the phone yet we would never talk to each other in person. I used to see him at athletics training all the time and even when he would be standing there with other mutual friends we still didn't talk!! A very weird friendship. Maybe one day I would go into the story more in depth.
Anyway I'm bummed that Australia was unable to make it through even though they won their last game but I'm feeling gleeful that Italy got out (it's been a four year grudge for them kicking us out of the quarter finals last World Cup lol). It's all in good fun of course.
Have a wonderful weekend!