* Swap is now closed

Just a few things first, it's the last day to sign up for the Just Because You're Lovely Swap. I've already started matching people up so I might assign partners earlier than I said :) So that means more time to put together a pretty package for your partner!
Thank you to everyone who has signed up. I really hope you enjoy it! It's my first time hosting so I hope it all works out.
As the title suggests I have this obsession with The Hunger Games trilogy. I've mentioned this trilogy countless times on this blog and my love for it has not changed.

With the release of Mockingjay next week (25th in Australia which is pretty much the 24th in the US) my excitement is feverishly gaining momentum. I'm planning on re-reading the books just before the release so it feels like I'm continuing on.
It will be so good to find out how it all ends but at the same time so sad that it's over. When I first read The Hunger Games I felt so weird after (because I couldn't stop thinking about it) and have re read it countless times since then. There was the horrible wait (for a year) to read Catching Fire. Once that was out I had to wait again (for a year) to read Mockingjay.

Seriously if you have not read these books yet I urge you. I don't think I had a person that I've recommended the series to that hasn't liked them. It is not you're usual young adult book and I love that. (It gets compared to Twilight a lot, though I have no idea why because this is written so much better but I can't complain because it was Stephenie Meyer who introduced me to the series when it was first released)

But, these books are just amazing! Suzanne Collins is the master at wanting you to keep turning the pages. She creates characters that make you care. She is by far one of my favourite authors (I've also read her Underland Chronicles which I loved). If I could meet an author I would love to meet her.
Anyway, I've bought a few Hunger Games merchandise. I got a shirt from Zazzle.
What I love about it is that you would not understand it unless you have read the first book.
I'm going to wear it when I go pick up Mockingjay next week.

I bought this necklace which has a few of the lyrics from Rue's lullaby. Again something from the first book.

Via Dragonflycurls etsy
I bought this handmade rubber stamp of a Mockingjay from etsy. It's to use on my letters (especially for the Hunger Games fans)
I'm sure I will be getting more items very soon. Anyway, sorry that turned into a huge post. If I recommend any book series this year it will be this one.
P.S. I'm guest posting at Pugh's News on the 19th August.
Have a great rest of week!
What a nice collection! :)
I am embarrassed to admit that I've only started reading The Hunger Games even though my friends have recommended the series to me long ago. I started reading it yesterday and I am loving it so far! The story is very gripping and I can't wait to finish it. I reserved my copy of Mockingjay before I even started reading The Hunger Games (lol) because if you have it reserved here before Aug 15 you will get a free Mockingjay shirt. I'll email you a photo of the shirt once I get it on the 25th :)
I cant wait for my copy to arrive, it should be any day now. I love the tshirt even though I have no idea what it refers to!
Very excited about the swap.
Hey thanks for the comment. Now lady get back onto your Day Zero list!! You need encouragement and someone to spur you on, so call me MISS!! lol. I have only just started mine, but I have kinda worked out a few things, and put some plans in order to help. So maybe you should try planning some stuff to help. I think I am gonna try make a tutorial video using the photos I took whilst making the skirt. So that should be up this week hopefully. Daisy Dayz Home
Hooray, looking forward to the Lovely Buddy match-ups!
i can't wait for mockingjay!!! i love the series!
I really want to sign up for the swap but I am scared I am not as creative, and that I won't find the time, I KNOW it's going to be fun, though!
I haven'r ready any of the books but you make it sound like they are seriously read-mowrthy so I might? :D
Thanks for the recommendation. I have never heard of the book series before, but will have a look at it right now. :) I am always looking for good books - not that i have already enough at home to read, hehe.
Me again. :) I just saw that I DO know the series and the first book is already on my wishlist for a long time, hehe. So it seems I should finally get and read it! :)
I have never heard of this series before. What is it about?
Can't wait for my swap partner!!
x Jasmine
Zazzle has such fun stuff on it! Thanks for the book recommendation, I have honestly never heard of the series. I am always looking for new reads though. I'm still not finished The Time Travelers Wife, lol.
dragonflycurls has some really cool stamps :)
hello! i just found your blog via daisy dayz, it is so sweet!
i'm running a little book swap over at my blog, maybe you would like to spread your love for the hunger games? check it out at - http://aprettyplacetoplay.blogspot.com/2010/08/swapsies.html
I am so going to have to check this out, Gracie, I know you've posted about it before. Now you have me REALLY curious! XX!
Thanks for the lovely comments :)
I have always loved those books!!! I have a feeling you'll read it before me, but I would love to know what you think!! And I quite enjoy the T-shirt!
can't wait to see all the photos from the swap miss gracie! i know it's going to be awesome.
never really heard of the hunger games..will definitely have to research it more! you're so cute with all the merchandise you got, i really love the stamp regardless of not knowing its meaning, haha.
it's almost like the hunger games is your twilight or harry potter, hehe. <3 <3
- L
I'm so excited for the swap AND Mockingjay. Of course, I preordered and am just waiting patiently for it to come in the mail. :) I read The Hunger Games after about 20 people recommended it, it didn't really seem like my kind of book, but oh man I was in love. Luckily, the 2nd book came out about 2 weeks after I finished the 1st, but this wait has been unbearable!
I love your new T-shirt schwag! And can't wait for the swap goodness :)
I haven't read (or actually even heard of) 'The Hunger Games'...but your excitement makes me think that I should definitely be checking them out.
I am LOVING that stamp!
Hi Gracie, just popping by from London to say hello and your guest post is up! Thanks for helping me out whilst I'm away.
that shirt that you got is awesome,
and i'm loving the stamp too.
CANNOT WAIT for next week!!
<3 <3 <3
I totally love all the Hunger Games books... except Catching Fire because I have not been able to buy and read it.
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