I feel like having a lazy day today. I sometimes hate having to work on weekends (actually I hate it most of the time). It's nice when it's my day off.
A few things on my mind...
♥ Swap partners are done and I emailed everyone on the weekend. I hope you enjoy the swap and send me photos of your packages if you want to :) and I'll put them on the blog
♥ I would like a new job. Or I would love to work at home being creative and spend time volunteering more
♥ I must decorate this house and finish the organising
♥ I really want to decorate my letters better, so I will try it with my letter pile.
♥ I do have a blog giveaway in store.
♥ Thinking of ways I can help people more
♥ Lovely comments really make me burst with happiness
♥ My excitement for Mockingjay is truly reaching epic proportions (it comes out tomorrow!!!!!)
♥ Planning a trip to the US next year (I hope...it doesn't hurt to at least plan it)
♥ Thinking of a mail project that will somehow relate to this blog
♥ Making lots of note cards and earrings in the next two weeks for etsy and my event
♥ Noting down all my ideas, aspirations, dreams, wishes and prayers
I've been weirdly emotional lately and doing a lot of thinking. There always comes a time when I question what I'm doing with my life and I take the time to reflect on it. I had a nice talk with Jason over breakfast on Sunday morning and it made me realise what my passions were and what I want to achieve. For now I will just have to write about it in my journal and I might share it on this blog one day :)
I hope you find a job you absolutely love, Gracie. There's nothing worse than toiling away at a job that doesn't bring much satisfaction to your everyday life.
x Jasmine
What a lovely and inspiring list and overall post! Being able to spend more time doing creative things would be such a delight, I agree.
Also, I did almost all of my lovely swap shopping today! Hooray!
I feel like thinking is the best medicine next to laughter! And I am truly moved by your list!
Thank you for all the comments, too :) They are too kind!
i love that print! and yes, etsy is definitely a good place to start!
i love this post...i'm not sure why it's just a feel good post :)
hope you're having a good day! i question what i'm doing with my life every couple of months...i'm alllways itching for change but i hope you get it all figured out!
You have been a busy gal, no wonder you are feeling weirdly emotional... everything is done, now what?! LOL. Just teasing of course.
Great list, hope you managed to get it all done! I want a nice at home creative job too.
Hi again, I just wanted to let you know I have a Polyvore Challenge on my blog - - the grand prize is a $1,000 Visa Gift Certificate!! We could all use a little extra cash, right? So get over here and win it, lol :)
Hello dearie! I love that quote you posted up. It's so true!
As for not really knowing what you're doing with your life, reflection is ALWAYS good. I think reflection helps us remember our purpose in life, when we get so caught up in the here and now. Trust in God! He really does have a plan for you! :]
I am sure you are pooped after doing al that for the swap! Thanks again! I am sure it was a lot of work. And I am in the middle of looking for a new job too! Aren't applications the best. . . oh I am so sick of them. Anyways, it will be for the best if I keep filling them out. Excited for your giveaway my dear!
Etsy shop time??
is the blog giveaway going to be of things your going to be restocking in your etsy shop?? ;)
I know these kind of phases as well when one is wondering where life leads us and what we want to achieve. Most of time it feels like time is running and we just hurry after it.
I very much like your list and maybe I should write my own one down, hehe. I am looking forward reading more about your mail project! :)
Would be any chance so you could make something where we could see each others photos of the swap, at least one photo? I think it would be amazing! I'm excited :)
By the way, I sent you mail today!
i should get a to do list like this one so i don't wake up at night remembering something i should've done earlier... ha!
So cute :)
I like planning things too. Which part of the U.S. would you visit?
Trying to figure out what you want to do "when you grow up" is such a huge thing. That's probably why I've never decided and keep trying new things.
I hope you find something (or lots of things) to do for a living that will make you smile.
I hope you're enjoying your book this weekend.
It's hard feeling inspired in a job that isn't your passion. Hopefully you can find something else soon! :)
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