Tuesday, 2 April 2013

On my mind...

A few of the unused journals/notebooks/stationery

Hello lovely people. I hope you had a wonderful Easter. It is always important to remember the death and resurrection of Christ. He is risen indeed.

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about a habit of mine that I want to change. I tend to buy things or receive pretty things as gifts and they will just sit there. I might put them in a nice box or leave them in their packaging and just...look at it. For example I have a ton of beautiful notebooks and journals yet I find it difficult to write in them or use them. They are just too 'pretty' to use. So instead of writing my thoughts or writing lists or recording memories they look pretty and stay in pristine condition. I find this is the same with pretty stationery or pens or even clothes and beauty products. I have trouble using them. I feel like I'm waiting for that perfect moment, for when everything falls into place and I will finally make that memory journal I've been wanting to do for years. Or that print that needs the right frame and only then I will display it. I mean what a waste?! I have all these lovely items that don't get used and it just accumulates and doesn't really get used. (♥ picture up above).

So, I've decided that I'm going to write in those journals (that I'm saving for what?), use that pretty paper (because who doesn't like to receive lovely mail) put those special stickers I'm saving into a notebook (because why not?). I want this to spill out into my everyday life too and use those special tea cups for my afternoon tea, or wear that dressy top to work, or cut up those magazines because I want to display or put that picture into a journal.

I want to stop holding back with admiring the beautiful things in life and instead experience the beauty of life. To stop looking just for inspiration but use what inspires me to create things instead of just dreaming about it and making lists. I'm a master list maker but a terrible doer.

I'm not sure who else feels this way but I'm sick of watching my life pass me by when each day is certainly a blessing. I can't take it for granted. I know I don't get very personal on this blog but there are some things that bounce around in my mind and I need to get those thoughts out.

Please tell me I'm not alone in this :) What do you need to let go of, or need to use or want to experience?

Have a fantastic week lovelies.

P.S. I'm sorry if this is just a jumble of words. I just started typing and the words just started flowing.


thegirlhassparke said...

Oh my I LOVE this post! I use to be like this, always "saving" things for a special occasion but really isn't every day that we have on this earth special, how do we know that a day is special enough to bring out the good tea cups? Go for it Gracie, enjoy the lovely things you have.

:: Lavender's Green :: said...

It's like you reached into my brain and wrote this - it's exactly the internal struggle I've been having. So much pretty, and yet ... it just sits thee getting dusty. I want to use it, but I don't want to lose it.

But I've decided I need to use it because otherwise, what's the point?

x Jasmine

Megan said...

I was just thinking about this the other day while going through a basket filled with pretty things I love but never actually use!! PS I LOVE your collection of beautiful journals Gracie!!

Erin {pughs' news} said...

Definitely not alone, Gracie. I do the same thing with my stationery and my fancy teacups. It's time for that to change. Life is far too short to wait around for things to be just right. I think I'll write to you today on one of those lovely cards!

lots of love to you, my friend,

Claire said...

HA! I am so like this! in fact I JUST today took out a pretty notepad that someone gave me a YEAR ago and decided that I will USE it tomorrow at a training session at work!!!! eeeeeee!!!

NYLON Girl said...

You're like my mother she does this it's very annoying...until I realised that I too kinda do this! Yikes. xxx

trishie said...

Oh Gracie, you're certainly not alone. I used to be just like that and have all these beautiful things in the cupboard collecting dust. These days, I'm much better and i use the "good stuff" even when there's no occasion for it....

k said...

i do that too!!! but you have to remember that a pretty looking journal that is filled with things to look back on is even better!

Green Tea and Cupcakes said...

What a very honest post I think we all hold back for that perfect moment to use or wear certain things.

Stephanie said...

Gracie you are definitely not alone. This is a habit that has spilled into all areas of my life

xo Stephanie

Felicia said...

Girl, I so struggle with this too! I've actually started to get over it in some areas and I actually digging into my journal stash! It's such a challenge to get over that mindset that if it's special then you should save it. But why not use it to make the everyday special? Good on you to start making the special part of life! :)

Anonymous said...

I recently started feeling the same way! I need a few more pen pals so I can use up some of pretty note cards and paper. I also recently bought a SMASH journal, and just am uncertain of where to start with it. You are definitely not alone. Can't wait to see all the beautiful things you will create!