1. 19/365: so much to learn, 2. Journal stack, 3. On The Kitchen Table, 4. precious things, 5. 05092009 - Mail, 6. {200/365} if you didn't want to, 7. forgotten, 8. sea shells ♥, 9. Untitled
I love giving gifts and receiving them :p Jase and I were a bit lazier this year and we gave most people gift cards. But next year we will put more thought into it. Jason gave me some short denim shorts (perfect for this summer but we have to exchange them cause they are just a tad bit too small :( I'm so weird with sizes). He also got me a Smiggle notebook and pen (I love that shop! - he was so bummed because it has lined paper and he knows I prefer blank paper but he really loved the cover lol). He also got me the Star Wars box set! Epsiodes 1-3 and 4-6! I'm a bit of a Star Wars nerd :) And he got my a voucher for a 1 hour full body massage at Pure Indulgence! He is the best!!
I've been blessed with so much and I don't intend on forgetting that. No matter what has gone wrong or whatever has changed I can always rely on God. And I know that next year will be even better! This New Year is full of promise and new beginnings.

I'm completely exhausted and cannot wait until next week when I get days of work! Yay! Oh and by the way I bought myself a 4 foot white Christmas tree for next year from work. It's so pretty and cute!
This has been a year of highs and lows with getting engaged and with other family problems which have affected me greatly and I can't quite write about it here yet. I'm looking forward to the New Year with the wedding, moving into our first house, my 25th birthday (!). I have plans to get a new job and to resume my creativity and hopefully reopen my Etsy shop.
I know exercise and physical activity is also high on that list. I have to keep up with Jason and his triathlons. I was always the sportier one until now.
I want to grow my relationship with God and really mature more as a Christian. I do want to write more, read more, volunteer and give more of my time, take more photos and take the time to reflect.
I've been blessed with so much and I don't intend on forgetting that. No matter what has gone wrong or whatever has changed I can always rely on God. And I know that next year will be even better! This New Year is full of promise and new beginnings.
I also just want to say that I'm so grateful for all you! You have made blogging so much fun and I truly appreciate your comments, emails, tweets, letters etc. Thank you for being so wonderful and I know I count you as my friends :)

Via Notemaker
And I wouldn't mind getting one of these to pen my thoughts, ideas, plans, dreams etc. And it would be nice if my name could be embossed on the front :p
I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed New Year! Take care of yourselves!
P.S. This is a lot of writing for me so I hope you made it until the end! 26 Days!! to go.