Yes you read the title right I have just gotten engaged. It happened late yesterday afternoon.

Our little set up
It was a complete shock. Even though we had been talking about it and me mentioning it all the time, lol, but I didn't think he would just do it. And he'd been planning it for a few weeks! Ever since my friends wedding. And he is such a gentleman because he came and saw my parents personally to ask for their blessings (he went when I had a dressmaking lesson since he knew I wouldn't be home - tricksy he is). That meant so much to me because I wanted that. To have my parents blessings before being asked.
We had pictures because Jason thought we should (this is before I knew). And he knows I like to take photos of things and events. I thought to give a quick rundown of how it happened.
First he told me we were going to have an afternoon tea with Turkish bread and dip (which I love!). The thing is he said that he needed to defrost the bread?? so he kept on popping out to go check on it while I sat reading. When he was done he told me that we were going to eat outside and I was like 'Really do we have to?' Mind you it was gloomy weather. Rainy and a tad bit chilly. When I got outside he had this little table set up with the Turkish bread, the dip, some wine (he had gotten for his 21st and was was about 7 years old), some candles and one red rose.
I really didn't think it was for anything, just thought he wanted to have a nice little meal together, and he was normal. Chatting like we always do. Anyway, he told me that he had a present for me.
Reading the note - Looks like I have bad re growth I assure you my hair is completely natural. This is what it looks like.
It basically said that he had a little case of vintage/old items that remind him of me. Each item had a little note. And there was an order to this which he told me. Each item started off with personality traits like drawing pencils (which he sharpened the old way with a knife to make it look old - I love it!) to represent my creativeness etc. Then it moved onto things like old glasses in a case to represent us growing old together. By now I was wondering why he was being so romantic and sort of getting suspicious but at the same time I wasn't.
The last item was an awesome vintage film box and it was to represent our journey together. Then I realised that there was a different wooden box and I opened it and there was the ring. As soon as I did that, he proposed and I cried =)
There were other pictures but I look a bit funny lol. I tried to show me wearing the ring but my face looks red. But it was so simple, beautiful, sentimental and definitely the way I wanted it to be. He knows me oh so well. Just the little details that he put thought into amazes me.
The case with the items - we lay these out again afterwards to get a photo. Not the greatest lighting.
He went to so much effort. He went to some op shops to find the items which seem so random but they all represented something. He knows I like vintage style items.
My beautiful ring. He chose so well.
We are thinking about maybe January next year. I guess it all depends on where we are going to have it. Now I can actually look at wedding blogs without feeling strange for doing so.
Having a little photo session
I couldn't help taking a few fancy photos this morning when there was some sun. This is one of my lovely flower brooches that I use as a decoration. The ring still needs to be resized. The jeweller thought Jason had the wrong size and it was too small. lol. I had my finger sized at that same jewellery store.
This angel was a present from my middle brother and his gf for my bday this year.
This little angel is so precious. So thought to include him in my photo session. But I'm completely excited to start planning. I still can't believe it! My head can't quite comprehend it at the moment. Jason said he had those few weeks to process the information. But it's still so new to me. Anyway, I'm sure I will be showing bits and pieces with the planning. Eeee! Oh I love him so much!