The lovely Laura has sent me a few of the engagement photos in advance. They're wonderful and I could not ask for a better person to take them for us. She's just absolutely awesome, talented, creative and incredibly sweet!
So here are a the photos she took. And check out her blog. It's just gorgeous! And there are a few others.
We went to New Farm Park and Brisbane Powerhouse. Definitely a popular spot for wedding photos. And as you can see, I chose the first black dress.

Taken by Laura
This was a change room area at the Powerhouse we sort of snuck in and them some people came out dressed in clothes that you would wear for dance practice.
Taken by Laura
We were pretending to dance here.

Taken by Laura
I love parasols and sunlight.
Taken by Laura
I'm probably being lifted or something. I can't quite remember.
Taken by Laura
One of my favourite photos. Jason was lifting me up so it makes me look taller =)
Taken by Laura
I like this one too. I'm on my tip toes because I'm so small. I had changed my shoes too.
I took this one from her blog. The Powerhouse is so grungy and cool.
We had a great time and I'm so ever thankful I have Laura in my (and our) lives. She really is one of the most beautiful, generous, kind person I know, one of my best friends. I love her and (and Jason too of course lol). I'm so blessed!
Have a wonderful rest of week!
Beautiful photos by Laura, you and Jason look just gorgeous and so happy.
All the pictures look so lovely! Laura is really talented.
You look so gorgeous! Love the hair. Fab photos!
Gracie, you look stunning! You and Jason look absolutely perfect together. The photos are amazing, beautifully captured by your friend Laura.
Sigh, this is turning out to be a real life fairytale! :)) Congratulations once again! I heart weddings! (and spending the rest of our lives with the one we love)
OMG the last picture when he kisses you on the forehead? Totally melt my heart like butter.
These pictures are will be hard to choose which ones to have printed!
hi again, gracie!
thanks for your lovely comments in my blog, always. :)) i've replied your question in my 'just a minute in...' post. maybe we should start e-mailing each other again, we didn't even know where each other lived until today! hehe. oooh, potential penpals? ;) hope your day has been splendid so far. xx
stunning. seriously stunning. you love happy and in love!
Such romantic and beautiful pictures ! x
All of your photos are breathtaking... but my favorite is the parasol one. So, so very pretty!!
beautiful pics, she did a wonderful job and you two are the cutest :)
absolutely gorgeous!!!!
These are beautiful! great job!
Just stumbled on your the photos! What a great keepsake to have.
We're having our engagement pictures taken in Oct. so I'm obsessed with seeing what other people have done for theirs in order to get some inspiration.
Those pictures are beautiful you both look so happy.
You make a cute couple xx
So great! Love them!
Oh my! Truly Beautiful photos of a gorgeous couple! You two look so much in love, i'm smiling here, happy for you! Hope every day of your married life will be as happy as the day of this photoshoot!
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