Yesterday in my Olympic movement and society class we had Susie O'Neill come and talk to us. She's and Australian Olympic gold medalist and champion swimmer. She was known as Madam Butterfly. As that was her best event. Anyway, I got her autograph and a photo with her.

I'm pretty bummy looking as I'm at uni so I don't really dress up much. I can't be bothered but some days I do. Anyway, she was great. Very down to earth and casual.
Something else I'm trying to do is take close up photos.

And seeing as we are in a major drought we don't have many flowers. They were pretty much the only ones I could find in the garden. Pretty sad ey.
Anyway, til next time
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Yay Susie O'Neill. She's so much thinner than I remember her being. Good photo, don't lose that signature on that precious little bit of paper :P
Nice photos as well, very pretty. It's rained a little over the past few days, so maybe some more will poke their heads out soon.
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