Friday, 16 April 2010


I love to journal. It's the place where I can write about anything without being afraid of being judged (even then I sometimes censor my writing thinking someone will read it in 50 years time...weird I know).

This is my current journal. I go through stages where I will write every day and use up the journal but I've had this one almost a year now. It won't close because it's full of little bits.

These are my current notebooks (as well as journal). The first one is for my organising, the second in where I keep track of books I've read, journal and the Moleskine I use for ideas.

I have this dream of one day when I'm travelling I will be taking a leather bound journal, a fountain pen and a camera and sitting at little cafes penning my thoughts and adding photos (I guess I should have a Polaroid style camera) and little sketches.

But that's just a little dream for the moment. Right now besides my normal journal I would love to have a one that is just for daydreams, quotes, song lyrics, poems, attempts at sketching and decorated with bit of lace, paper doilies, Japanese masking tape, Polaroids, stitching...

Here are some examples of what I mean. It's taken from the same Flickr account, GingerLillyTea. I love her flickr, it's so dreamy and fairytale-like. My kind of person :)

Via Gingerlillytea flickr

Via Gingerlillytea Flickr

Via Gingerlillytea Flickr

Via Gingerlillytea flickr

She seems to have a fascination with Narnia, which I do too. It's one of my favourite books! But more about that another time.

This weekend will be filled with organising the house, putting photos up and hopefully starting a creative/dreamy journal. (That would be a fun swap!)

I hope you all have a wonderful, fantastic weekend!

P.S. Enter beautiful Micaela's giveaway! She's such a sweetheart and favourite of mine.


Paige said...

Lovely ideas! And great timing for this post on journaling...I've been meaning to start one up again (I used to write all the time!) and this is motivating me a bit :)

thegirlhassparke said...

I would love to start journalling, it is something I always admire. I can definately understand the whole someone reading it in 50 years too. Maybe I will try and start one too.
Thanks for your lovely message on my blog, slowly getting through the to do list.

Claire Kiefer said...

I went to a writer's talk once on how every writer should always have at least five notebooks! These are great pics :)

Micaela said...

your journals are so pretty-- i hate that i can never stick with one but! in my quote book, i often get this crave to write about an experience i forgot about... the details and how this person made me feel that one night outside my loft apartment... or the look on her face when i shared my news... those little forgotten moments :) and for that i'm happy.

i should journal more for sure! and these are def. inspirations. beautiful!

i had to laugh at the part where you said sometimes you censor... see that was always my problem with journaling- i'm glad i'm not the only weird one about that! LOL

i love it!!!

ps. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for posting about my giveaway! you are lovely gracie. xo

Leslie, Lemon Sweet Life said...

I wish I journaled more often. It would be so cool to look back in a few years and see what I wrote. The only time I really write is when I am really upset about something, which obviously isn't really what I would want to read in 50 years!!

tiffany said...

WOW i love this post! i wish i had time to make these beautiful journals. aaaah i need to! i always find a million quotes that i love. and i'm such a daydreamer! sounds perfect. i love narnia TOO. i wish it was real :(

trishie said...

Wow, makes me want to start writing in a journal too!

Cassie said...

I would love to have a little of your dedication to journalling but right now have no idea where I would fit it in!

I love the cover on yours though.Wishing you a fabulous weekend Gracie xx

Sara said...

I love journaling too! there came a point when I walked around with three or four notebooks in mt bag- but then I had to stop that for lack of space lol

Clare said...

pretty journal pictures, like little inspiring pieces of art x

Small Burst said...

Your journal is beautiful. This post makes me want to write in a journal again. Thanks for the inspiration! You have a lovely blog.

Betty Gaeta said...

You aren't wrong, Portuguese it isn't a language, is a secret code! I am following your blog.
Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

I would love to have a beautiful journal in which I can write my favourite quotes and stuff!
This is lovely inspiration.

ohjoana said...

Journals! wow they drive me crazy. The first one you show, your actual journal is something that I'd call simply of beautiful. I've been seeing some similar in Etsy, it's a pity I can afford one now. I also journal and I tried to journal everyday since 2010 started, but I gave up after a while, now I journal when I feel I have too, sometimes I draw or make a collage.

I mention your name in my recent post due to the bag photos. I realized that many people is doing it and made it too just for fun.

Have a wonderful day Gracie,


ohjoana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
OneCraftyFox said...

Oh, this is great! I have about 5 books and journals laying around that I sporadically write in. None look as beautiful as the pics that you have posted. Love that big fat one you have too!!

jozen said...

i use to keep a daily diary when i was younger... not so much anymore. i think it's so lovely that you do.

have a great weekend gracie!

Erin {pughs' news} said...

I love journalling too, and just wish weeks and weeks wouldn't go by between entries...

I love Micaela too. She's a dear.

Happy Weekend, Gracie! Hope it's marvellous...

julialow said...

I love how thick your journal is. I giggled because it can't close! I find that adorable. Hehe!

I used to write daily as well. My diary would run out of pages really quick and I'd have to start on a new one. Sadly, I don't write as much as I used to these days. I blame the internet for taking up all my time. ;) But I still enjoy it thoroughly when I do write in it - it's so therapeutic.

Today I was inspired to write a letter to my future self in ten years' time. It's supposed to contain the things I want to achieve by then, etc. It will be quite nice to read when I'm 30 to see how much I have or have not changed, accomplished or have not accomplished. And once I've read it, I'll write another letter to myself, but this time addressed to my 40-year-old self! Hee. Writing is wonderful. And, like you, I love writing in my diary because I'm not judged when I journal. That said, I've told my friends that even if I pass away, no one is allowed to read my diary. I want it to be destroyed! Hahaha it may sound weird but the many thoughts and feelings I've written in there are fiercely private.

Okay I think I've droned on enough. Love you, Gracie! x

_ffyona said...

I write journal too. I do read back at them and laugh over the kind of things i write. I even laughed at the kind of things i could get upset over with.

Have a good week dear!

Andhari said...

I used to have one, now I wonder where did that go? lol your journals are pretty and I like Gingerlilytea's journals too. So creative!

Unknown said...

Those journals are so beautiful! I am the same way, I totally censor my journal, lol! Lovely images.

Have a fabulous day, and if you haven't had a chance yet, pop by and check out my Catherine Deneuve giveaway! XO!

Emma Jade said...

I love keeping notebooks :) Yours are lovely!

Unknown said...

I used to journal ALL THE TIME! I ended up throwing a lot of them away. I tried to start up again but... sigh... Well, I guess blogging is sorta like a journal. Sorta. I've been looking for a great leather bound journal as well. I wanted it to look like the one Indiana Jones had. :)

Ahh... the ultimate competition... iphone and blackberry. :)

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I just on a lovely journal...I need to get on using it. Happy weekend!

Chrisanthi Ak. said...

Your journals are SO amazing.
I loved them.I wish I could make one, but I am sure I'll not write something there anyway.
I followed your blog.Can you please follow back if you like mine?

Jess said...

What a beautiful journal you have. I love writing in a journal. I just need to stop myself from reading it over because I always feel like ripping the pages out afterward haha.

Sandy a la Mode said...

awww the journal is sooo pretty!! i wish i could journal more often, it would sure help improve my horrible handwriting! btw, i am new to your blog and i think it is beautiful!!

Sirpa said...

Your current journal looks so lovely! - And I share your dream of a journal, fountain pen and a camera!

The Style Mansion said...

Hi Gracie,
Your blog is so lovely - I found through the sweet Lenka Lovees blog, Style My Happiness.
This is a pretty post!

Sheri, RN said...

I *try* to journal and usually stick to it for maybe a week then give up. I Blog MUCH more often hehe. I really do want to start journaling more though. Love those pictures you posted - so pretty!

muchlove said...

Those inspirational journals look wonderful. This year, one of my goals was to get back into writing in my journal. I struggle to write every single day, so it kind of ebbs and flows. I have several journals, I just need to get organized in how I use each one!

(always)alanna said...

gorgeous- love that old fashioned leather journal especially.
sounds like an amazing and relaxing weekend. enjoy it girl!

Elaine said...

i wish i had the time to restart of my journalling. i used to --- i have 6 journals handy which i started back in 6th grade all the way to 12th grade. i miss writing on them --- and "pretty-fying" them.

maybe i should get myself started again.

Anonymous said...

i like this post
i love the work on dairy
oh journaling
its very cool
i think its very hard to write that

happy week end

Belen said...

that top journal is AMAAAZING!

:: Lavender's Green :: said...

Hi! I stumbled across your blog after doing an image search on Kikki K. It looks like you're a girl after my own heart! I love your journals.
Did you end up using your Kikki K 365 book to document the first year of your marriage? I have the black one.
x Jasmine

Célin J. said...

I love scrapbooking! She's really good at :)

Sandra said...

Posts like these make me want to start journaling again. :)

It's something you can look back on and smile upon, especially when you decorate them so pretty. :)

Emily said...

I love journaling too! It is such a great release and not having to censor my potty mouth is such a relief! I love those journal/photo images you found really lovely stuff!

Anonymous said...

so cute! i love that you journal. i haven't done that in four years? wow it's been a while!

elainesueann said...

Hello, Gracie (: I love the cover of your journal and the pretty pictures in your post.

I started to journal when I was 11, and now I'm 18. Found my old diaries the other day and started reading back. A couple of years ago, I wrote a note to God. And I wrote of all the things I wish He'd do in my life, and guess what, freaked me out a little when I realized -It all came to past!(: Haha. Did that ever happen to you?

Happy Weekend, Gracie (:

Sirpa said...

I remembered this post of yours when I happened to find Polaroid PoGo instant mobile printer in Internet. Have you seen it? It's not a new thing at all, but I just haven't heard of it before. It's cheap and small and you can print tiny photos with it. According to reviews the pictures are not good at all, but I got interested, because as I earlier commented, I share your dream of a journal, fountain pen and a camera. I probably will order one just as a nice new toy! :)