Monday, 12 April 2010

Much Love Monday with mail

This sweet necklace is part of a little package I received from the lovely Julia.

Today I love: Receiving packages/letters and sending them out....

Who doesn't love to receive mail?! The wonderful feeling of getting something in the letter box (that isn't a bill) brings me so much joy. I get so excited when I see a letter or package addressed to me. But I also love sending out letters and packages too.

Here are some packages I've received this year (and just the end of last year too).

This is the total package and letter from the beautiful Julia.

I received this pretty pretty necklace from sweet Caro at the end of last year.

This is from the lovely Cassie.

The gorgeous Pearl wedding frame from my pen pal Rachel.

This was part of the package from Rachel.

This amazing ceramic piece is from the ever so thoughtful Anastasia.

This is what I received from my stationery swap from Fallon :) organised by Megan.

I think this is simply adorable. It's a tiny suitcase to keep addresses and birthdays.

This is from sweet Caroline. I was a bit late signing up for the Mail Scramble but we sent a little something to each other.

This pretty letter is from Melody, a new pen pal. We have an age difference but I don't notice it I wasn't quite as mature at her age :)

This pretty letter is from Megan.

What I received in with Megan's letter.

I might do some outgoing mail next time.

Other things I love this week....

* Reading all afternoon and having two naps (yes this was how I spent yesterday arvo)
* Reminiscing while looking at old photos
* Hot chocolate made and brought to me by my wonderful Jason
* Getting all the main house cleaning done before 9:30 am...(today!)
* Wanting to be organised, so I'm actually taking some steps to make sure that happens
* Being happy just because
* Warm showers to wake me up
* Clash of the Titans...I love Greek Mythology and I just adore Sam Worthington.

Thanks for the comments and have a lovely week!


Fallon said...

I'm so happy you liked your packaged, especially the vintage suitcase. That was my favorite piece!

trishie said...

oh wow! so many lovely things you received.

Belen said...



You know what I mean. I don't even need to explain. :P

Sara said...

aww I am so jealous! they're lovely!

julialow said...

Hello to you, darling Gracie! :) I'm finally able to take a breather and go round my favourite blogs again. <3 Sounds like you had a wonderful week. Hot chocolate made by Jason and TWO naps?? Ahhh, bliss! ;)

Aww I'm glad you liked the packages you received from everyone! They all look oh-so-very lovely and it's nice to be showered with snail mail.

Hope you have a blessed week ahead! x

Kellie Collis said...

So beautiful! xx

Caro said...

I love mail, I got my first parcel last Friday I was so excited !

nicole mountz said...

speaking of mail... i almost died when i got your package the this weekend!! gracie you are hands down the sweetest person in the world!! i still have a half written letter in my purse that i have got to finish and send to you!! aw im seriously so thankful for you:) and i love your new header, you look stunning. love u :)

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Oh my gosh, look at all those beautiful, lovely things! How wonderful!

Harsha said...

Wonderful gifts. So many mails.

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

THAT ceramic plate is to DIE FOR!

jozen said...

gracie, i watched clash of the titans too and i LOVED it!!!

love the sweet little suitcase too.

Erin {pughs' news} said...

That tiny suitcase is simply lovely!

I adore getting mail. Email is nice, but real mail is just the greatest. There is nothing nicer than arriving home after a long day to a full mailbox!

I've had the pleasure of receiving quite a few parcels from Cassie... doesn't she just wrap everything soooo beautifully?

Happy Monday, Gracie. Hope it's a wonderful week!

Andhari said...

The necklace from Caro and the red suitcase is cute, Gracie. :) You're really loved apparently :p

Anonymous said...

Are you serious?!
I think since we're your loyal bloggers, we deserve half of that share, missy, share! :P

Micaela said...

i swooned when i saw the stationary swap gift from fallon on her blog. She always gives the most thoughtful swaps. (that little suitcase!)

i posted about your parcel on my mailtime post today :) and also sent out something your way.

CHEERS to happy mail! it always makes my day.

ps. that ceramic piece is gorgeous!

Small Burst said...

what a lovely blog you have and such wonderful packages. To this day, I feel like a kid when I get a package. So fun.

Sierra said...

What sweet friends to send such adorable letters and gifts!

Tillie said...

Oh isnt mail the best. I love it! amaaaaazing.

Yelena said...

such lovely packages! lucky you! :)
oh and i mentioned you on my blog if you wanna go check it out! :) xo.

Staley Mc said...

I love getting fun packages! I just discovered your blog and it is lovely!

Unknown said...

You are definitely loved!

I just found your blog through Mara (great gal). Very cute blog!

I'm your newest follower. :)

Nicole Marie said...

that heart necklace is so pretty!

Iva Messy said...

awww!! so sweet!!!

MsHark said...

everything is soo pretty! Love your blog!

I'm your newest follower!


Unknown said...

hey Gracie, you know the one thing that struck me as i stumbled upon your blog,,,,

" I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." amen to that,

and i pray for the blessing of god to pour upon you and not forgetting Jason right,,, take care now, hope to hear from you too

Elaine said...

i love everything you received in your mail but that beautiful ceramic piece --- that i truly fell in love with.

i forgot to say THANK YOU for giving me that award in your last post!!! SO HERE IT IPS:


Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

What a bunch of great stuff!

Cute blog! I'm here via my stylish pursuit of happiness =)

OneCraftyFox said...

They are all such lovely packages!!

Hope you are having a great day :)

Anonymous said...

Those are very lovely packages. :) It's definitely a wonderful feeling to be receiving snail mail. I always get so excited when my friends send some letters over from other countries.

I especially love that stationery swap you had! All those lovely items! Beautiful, beautiful. And with your creativity, they're definitely gonna be put to good use. :)

Do get some of those lovely magnets from Kikki-K! They really make the room much happier and lovable! ;) I couldn't keep up with a Much Love Monday this week - been to caught up with assignments. Maybe next week!

Thanks for sharing! x

Sarah Esther said...

you are blessed! those are all so fun adn beautiful!

Cassie said...

Thank you so much for showing my little bundle I sent, I had such fun putting it together for you.

And your little list of things you love sounds like my idea of total heaven too right now.

Most of all I love all the pretty packages you got - such wonderful things.

Have a super-duper week Gracie xx

muchlove said...

Oh, it's such a pleasant surprise to see a Much Love postcard amongst the mail you got from Megan!

Thank you for the post :)

Patty Ann said...

lucky lucky you get so many cute gifts!!

AlphaBetaChic Blog

Zoë said...

you mail and packages are so gorgeous! mondays are almost turning into my favourite day because of all these lovely posts.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Well, that is certainly enough to brighten a girl's Monday! That ceramic piece is just lovely!