Friday, 23 April 2010

Being creative

Yesterday it was raining so I spent the morning trying to make things for my Etsy. It took me a few hours to even figure out what I was doing and then actually create something. It's basically the same style that I usually do but I have changed it slightly. I have quite a few ideas on making different versions of my mini note cards.

Here's what I came up with...

Basically its tiny note cards in an envelope on another mini note card.

I thought inside the tiny note cards I could have a little quote inside (printed out) or I could leave them blank for you to fill in your own message. And there will be various other colours and styles.

But then you also have the main mini note card to write your message. I thought I could put a little envelope seal for the tiny envelope to put on yourself (if you want to write your own message or see the quote inside). And there will be another envelope seal for the main envelope too (although I didn't make any).

This is another idea. These are some small fabric magnets. I was trying to decide if I will sell them with the note cards or separately. Still pondering.

I was thinking of making these into some tiny earrings. Again wondering if I should add them with the note cards as a little gift and card in one??!! What do you think?

A photo so you can see how tiny they are. They are weeny and really cute.

So this is basically where I'm at for the moment. Just tossing different ideas around and figuring out how to make it work. Do you like them? The ideas? It's just nice to get some feedback :)

This weekend is a long weekend due to ANZAC Day. A day to remember the ANZAC'S (World War 1) who died, but it includes World War 2 as well. Jason and I are thinking of attending a Dawn Service.

We are also spending the long weekend cleaning and organising our house. It still feels like we are only half moved in so we are just going to tackle it and get it done.

Oh and another thing. Julia and Bree are hosting a Mixtape swap! Check out their blogs to go and participate!!

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!


littletiara said...

the earrings are so cute Gracie! And although I never really said it before, because I always always forgot to, I love those tiny bonuses you gave me in the package when I won the little notebook (remember that one? Yeah!)


OneCraftyFox said...

Gracie, I didn' realize you have an Etsy shop. I took a look at your sold listings and they are beautiful!

These new creations are wonderful, I really like the idea of including a quote and having a spot to write your own little message as well. I think either would work as an insert, and your idea is so unique! Love the idea of little earrings with it too. That would make a lovely gift package :)

I just adore these!!

julialow said...

I think they would make sweet little earrings! It would be a great idea to add them with the beautiful notecards. :) You are so creative and talented! I'm glad a have a genuine Gracie notecard with me right now. ;) Two, in fact! Thank you for including them in your very first letter to me! Hehe. <3

I'm so glad you're starting your etsy again after that break. Looking forward to seeing more gorgeous items. x

p/s: thank you also for mentioning the mixtape swap!

_ffyona said...

Ah, these are very sweet creations. The earrings are super cute. Good luck with your Etsy sweetie.

Did you just change your banner? Looking sweet!

Bree said...

Hello Gracie! Your creations are beautiful, you're so good at it. I'm still somewhere learning my way through and yours is great inspiration. I hope you have a good day (:

ps. I love fantasy and folklore too! But I sort of prefer LOTR over Narnia
pps. Thanks for mentioning the mixtape swap too!

mina said...

i couldn't even make a mixtape if i wanted to - but what a cute idea.

thegirlhassparke said...

Gracie, I love the idea of the mini notes on the front of the card. Why dont you make a few packs with the cards and magnets and then list some seperately. Than people can choose what they want?
Will take a look at the swap, but you know what im like I really cant resist a swap so id say im in.
Enjoy the long weekend, goodluck with the house.

Amie McCracken said...

Love the mini note cards on the mini note cards. Although when I first saw it I had an idea. You could leave the little envelope open and have a little fake letter sticking out. Just glued there.

Just brainstorming with you...

:: Lavender's Green :: said...

I love those cards! They're adorable.

Rainy days are perfect for staying inside and being creative. I was stuck at work, wishing I was at home!

The fabric magnets are so cute too. Why shouldn't every aspect of someone's house be amazing? No ugly magnets for me!

Love the earrings idea too :)

Enjoy the cleaning! I'm pretty sure that's what I'll be doing too :(

x Jasmine

Clare said...

i love the little earrings, so cute! thanks for posting about the mixtape swap, sounds like a fun idea! x

Célin J. said...

So cute!!Like it :D

Cassie said...

I love tiny earrings and am always on the lookout for more!

Hope you have a gorgeous long weekend Gracie and fingers crossed the sun will come out too.


Unknown said...

They are so pretty! You are super talented, just lovely!

Sandy a la Mode said...

those notecards are soo super cute!! i need to get into card making!!

Anonymous said...

i love the magnets. they are adorable.


xo Alison

paula said...

how sweet is all this! have a lovely weekend.

Unknown said...

Aww these are really cute! I think you should sell them separately, but also offer "gift packs". That way people can pick and choose what items they want, but also get a good deal on buying more than 1 item. :)

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

Looks great!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

What lovely things. You are so creative lady. Those delicate little white flower earrings are just adorable!

Sierra said...

Oh everything is looking lovely and I love your idea of either earrings or magnets, either would be cute! I think I like the earrings idea better and it would be cute to stick them in the envelop or just sale them on their own! Great job girl and have fun with the mix tape swap. I should more fun items for my Etsy, I've been slacking.

jozen said...

oh gracie everything is just so lovely!!

Kellie Collis said...

So gorgeous have a lovely weekend!

Miss Laura said...

Yay for being creative again :) X

Alely said... the note cards. you're so creative! i think the buttons would be reallly cute to add to it.
have a great weekend!