Wednesday, 14 April 2010

What's in my bag tag

Hello lovelies! I was tagged by the lovely Belen. It's to see what's inside my bag (or purse? we use bag here in Aus). I have to say I love seeing what people keep in their bags. It's really interesting.

I had some lovely sunshine pouring in through the window this morning so I quickly took a photo. The sun is off and on at the moment. I hope it stays out for my washing.

Anyway, here's the photo and what's inside....

1. My bag is from Forever New. It's one of my favourite shops ever. Jase got me this bag as part of my bday present.
2. The Guess wallet next to it is to keep my excess cards and other things
3. The little blue purse (was part of a package from Julia) and it has my bits like eye drops, blotting paper, mini nail file etc.
4. The grey pouch is for my camera
5. My sunnies and I can't seem to find the case
6. My little hair brush
7. My iPhone and pink case
8. My headphones (usually tucked into a pocket in the bag)
9. The little Oroton purse is where I keep my main cards that I use. I bought this ages ago when I used to work in another department store and it still looks almost as new. Excellent quality.
10. The other little purse is where I keep my keys, my work name badge and work locker key
11. The last row has my Kikki.K 2010 diary. It's so cute inside.
12. The slim notepad is also from Kikki.K. With a tiny Smiggle mechanical pencil. This is for all my random thoughts during the day.
13. The soft cover Moleskine sketchbook is for my ideas.
14. A little packet of tissues. I always try and have tissues in my bag.
15. My Lucas' Pawpaw ointment. I use it as a lip balm. This is an absolute must have! It's pretty much a cult item it's so good. Well it's a cult item here in Brisbane at least. Not sure about the other states?
16. A little pink Smiggle pencil case. It has other tiny pens, tiny scissors, tiny stapler and other staples, a pencil sharpener and a few paperclips. You never know when you need it and it has come in handy at the most random times :)
17. My favourite black pen. Jason got it for me. He knows how much I love black felt tipped pens.

In the pockets in the bag I keep feminine products and pain killers. I would usually have a book if I have a long work shift, a bottle of water and some snacks.

This little bag is actually a giant pencil case from Smiggle. (Yes I buy a lot from Smiggle even though it's a kids stationery store. and Jason bought me this...he knows me so well) I sometimes take this with me filled with stationery and letters or cards I need to write.

Now I tag...Megan, Julia, Mara, Nicole, & Yelena. I would love to what's in your bags if you want to participate of course :)

And a snapshot of the books I'm reading at the moment.

I'm re reading the Craft Inc book (because of Etsy). The Paper Flow book is to help stay organised. And the pretty hardback Penguin Classic Emma which was a gift from a friend.

Although I did read 3 books in the Maximum Ride series on the weekend and I have also borrowed some books from the library so they will also be on my book reading list.

Plain Truth - Jodi Picoult
Swimsuit - James Patterson
Thanks for the Memories - Cecelia Ahern

Well that's it. This turned out longer than I meant for it to be. Have a wonderful rest of week!


Caroline said...

I have lucas Pawpaw ointment ... and I love it!! I picked it up last August and I can't get enough of it :)!! Love this post of yours! XO

Zoë said...

such a cute post- why is everything you keep in your purse somehow adorable? I feel like most of my belongings are falling apart. And I don't have a purse... that's something my sisters are trying to change about me though, I just feel like I'm carrying luggage around if I do :P

do you have time for any more penpals by the way? I'd loved to send you off a letter if you do :) my e-mail is if not, no worries, I do enjoy following your blog, your mail is just always so lovely I figured I'd ask :)

Staley Mc said...

I love your bag! I love posts like this seeing what everyone else has in their bags!!

thegirlhassparke said...

Oh I love seeing peoples bag posts, thanks so much for tagging me I will definately do this soon!
I have the same kiki K diary :-)
And I definately agree, paw paw is a must.
Thanks for sharing lovely!

Leslie, Lemon Sweet Life said...

I love your bag!! It is adorable!! I love seeing inside peoples bags!!

Belen said...

LOVE your purse! It's so pretty!

And I love those covers for those books. I was in the middle of reading Emma but stopped. It's really hard for me to sit and read Austen, even though I do love her stories! It helps me to watch her movies first, but I also feel like I'm cheating when I watch the movie first!

jozen said...

gracie, i just LOVE your bag!

Alyssa said...

Since when is smiggle for kids? gosh i have their stuff all over the place :)

your bag is so organised with so many little purses! mine is an utter MESSSS!

Unknown said...

Love the bag. Love love love it. And I was totally expecting to see a blackberry in there. ;)

ricebabies said...

Thats a cute bag and a lot of stuff. I could never show whats in my bag..crayons, dinosaurs, 3 sketch books, its a LOT. ha ha

I read Got Craft , its really good. I will have to look into that paper flow. Handmade Market is really good too.

kimberlie said...

Wow, i was in Brissy over the weekend and bought the exact same bag. I love it!

Sharon Lei said...

I adore your bag. Love the ruffles.. and what a cute little mousey pouch you have.

xx Love & Aloha

Honey Bee said...

Gracy, the bag is GORGEOUS. That's awesome taste, right there. :)

I love that you're so organized when it comes to having important things in your bag. If you'd open mine right now, you'd see crumpled papers (receipts etc)... and pens that don't work.

_ffyona said...

This is a sweet post. Everything in my bag look so cute, and organised. I am quite messy at times. I practically dump everything in. Lol. And that's some fun reads!

Mummerina said...

wow tell me that you had more 'junk/rubbish' in your bag than that????
If I tipped my bag upside down I think half of it would be old receipts, gum wrapper, napkins, coins etc

Sara said...

every time I see someone using a Moleskine, my heart smiles!

Cassie said...

I love being nosy and finding out what is inside peoples bags! I think there always used to be a feature just like that in a magazine I read as a teenager (a long time ago now!!)

Hope your week is shaping up great Gracie xx

nicole mountz said...

not going to lie gracie, when i was reading this i was thinking "man i really hope she tagged me in this" haha! so thank you!! i will do this asap, ive been wanting to for a while. i love all of your things, but you make me look too unorganized:) i have to do some cleaning before i do this post! xo

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

awww I lov ethe bag in your first picture. that is so cute!

alli/hooray said...

Fun post! Always interesting to see what others carry with them. And btw, Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult is really good!

Sheri, RN said...

Fun tagged post!

Devon said...

I just happened upon your blog via Goodnight Little Spoon... I saw that you have a pack of tissues that you keep in your bag.... check out my blog tomorrow because I'll be hosting a giveaway for a tissue pack-cover that I've sewn! :)

Have a lovely day!!

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

I LOVED Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult. It was a really good book.

Emma Jade said...

oh i love whats in my bag posts!
You are all so organised!!

Unknown said...

I love Jodi Picoult! This is a cool tag, I haven't seen this one yet, and I like it! I LOVE seeing what's in people's handbags, and yours looks a million times better than mind, I can tell you! Lovely blog, how did I miss it? Anyway, I'm definitely following, and will be stopping back by soon to say hello! Cheers!

OneCraftyFox said...

I love your purse and that mousey pouch is just too cute!

Betty Gaeta said...

Lovely bag.

Stephanie said...

I love posts about what's in people's bags. Yours is awfully cute!

Serina Paris said...

your purse is so well organized! I organize mine but then it gets messy cause my coins slip out of the paper wallet that I made (It's very light which is why I use it)

Erin {pughs' news} said...

Fun! Micaela (of Dolce Vita) tagged me today. Good thing I cleaned out my bag a few days ago!

Lisa said...

I love your bag and the pencil case is soooo cute! xx

tiffany said...

i have NO idea why i am not subscribed to you! i always thought i was?! doing that now! have THE cutest purse! and everything! i like all of the stuff from "smiggle"! i've never heard of it though.

tiffany said...

also: i keep reading a lot about lucas' pawpaw ointment!? i think i need to buy some!

Alely said...

awwww...what a great tag idea!

found you through "lola's girl"..."junghwa" love them...and your blog is adorable! i am now following you. looking forward to perusing more of your blog.

take care.

Betty Gaeta said...

Hello Gracie,
The photos say everything, you don't need to read in Portuguese.
Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

great stuff i like your bag you have more stuff in your bag looks nice

paula said...

love your bag. This reminds me, I so need to clean out my purse.

Laura said...

such a neat pretty bag, I want that adorable pencil case!

julialow said...

Gracie, 7 words: I am in love with your bag.

Truly, madly, deeply! Haha. It's so very pretty. You have such pretty taste. And I'm delighted to see that you're using the little blue pouch I got you. Yayy!

This is such a fun post. Thanks for tagging me, dearest! Will get round to it after I'm done with my finals. Just a week and a half to go! Eeep!

Have a wonderful weekend, Gracie! <3

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a lot of things to have in your bag. But you utilize each and every item so well, it's a really good thing. :) Most people I know have heaps of things, among which are mainly rubbish - Old receipts, etc.

And yay to the Iphone! I always forget to bring my earphones around, mm. I'll consider putting them into my bag. Ah, the Kikki-K organizer! Lovely! :D I'm telling you, I'm rather obsessed with Kikki-K, ahaks.

Those craft books look lovely. I'm sure there's heaps of amazing ideas stored inside. I love browsing through craft books at the bookstore.

Have a beautiful Sunday!

Lemon said...

i looked all over smiggle-website and couldn't find that mousey bag. :( it is so darn cute!

Sierra said...

I love everything you have in your bag, and I especially love your bag! That KiKi diary is so cute - loved seeing everything inside! :)

Unknown said...

There's somehting so intriguing about knowing the contents of ones bag:) Such a pretty bag too!