Via Livejournal
Reading... The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks, The Graveyard book by Neil Gaiman
Watching... Heroes, Clash of the Titans (hopefully this weekend)
Writing... Letters and in my journal (it's getting quite fat from all the bits and pieces I glue into it...does this happen to anyone else?)
Needing... To print our Thank you cards out and other photos (I have blank frames hanging around the house)
Hoping... To stretch myself and try new things and experiences. To learn how to do some things well (like take good photos, be able to use my letterpress, be more creative)
Praying... For direction
Loving... God and my family (I've been getting so emotional about them lately)
I have a few of the professional photos from Alvin and Melly's wedding. These were taken by Stewart Gould (his website doesn't seem to be working) but I got these from Melly's FB page.
I think this is absolutely stunning!
She is so gorgeous!
We did a few beach shots. They were pretty fun to do.
This photo cracks me up! It's hilarious. They took these before the wedding ceremony. I can't believe Jason looks so buff :p
They are all the photos that they have received for now. More will be coming but it depends on when they get them. They are probably on their way to Europe right now after 2 days in Singapore. I wish I was too :(
Anyway, the parentals are coming by to bring us some food. lol. We seriously need to go shopping.
I put your letter in the post yesterday so hopefully it arrives soon!
Yay for re-opening your etsy shop i cant wait.
What a beautiful wedding those photos are gorgeous!
awesome photos! ha and yes that laugh one is a HOOT!!! i can't wait for your etsy shop to open- you once sent me one of your cards and it was the loveliest so you know i'll be one of your shoppers ;)
everything by nicholas sparks is amazing isn't it?
those wedding photos look absolutely gorgeous, grace!
but also, i have to say that your photo posted of your own wedding is just absolutely stunning as well.
oohhh --- i didn't realize you have an esty shop! will wait for you to re-open and check out your new stuff :)
aww those photos are so beautiful! especially the last one haha ^_^
xo tiffany
I LOVE the piano photo. And the chippendale shot is, of course, hilarious!!
wow, the sky was amazing on their wedding day!
Im currently reading Vanity Fair! The pages are trimmed with gold :)
those wedding photos are gorgeous.
I just read The Graveyard Book last month! I loved it :)
The last 4 photos are absolutely stunning! Good luck with your Etsy sweetie!
Fabulous pics! xx
Gracie, you guys are such a good looking family! Your brother is pretty nice looking (if I do say so) and Mellie is G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S.
It looks like she stepped out of a magazine shoot!
I read the 'Last Song' by Nicholas Spark, but didn't like it so much. I guess I was expecting something out of the world because I thought it's gonna be as good as The Notebook (which I haven't read, only seen).
Thanks for letting me know about the rings!
oh, oh, oh...can we see a few snaps of your journal?
Just to get some inspiration.
I think april shall be a good month.
I would be interested to hear what you think about The Wedding, I read it in a day when I was ill on holiday last year.
Love those shots, they are so beautiful.
Oh and love that your parents are helping out with food, we are all terrible here for using my in-laws pantry as our own!
I read The Wedding a bit ago and it is really good, I think you will enjoy it! :) I would love to see your Etsy creations, I need to actually shut mine down because I haven't created in a while!
Your friend's photos are stunning, especially the sunset pictures!
Hope your day is going well doll.
amazing photos! i lovee them!! :)
i've been wanting to start a journal, but haven't gotten around to it... hopefully this post inspires me to get to it! :)
aww those photos really are incredible! i have a feeling when november comes im going to be super emotional about my family too. but i know it'll be ok:)
Great photos, Gracie!!!
The last one is def the best, so funny.
Wow the photos are beautiful! Her dress is breathtaking!
Gracie, I can not believe I missed your wedding!!! You looked gorgeous. The photos are amazing. I hope you had a lovely day!
P.S - The photos of this wedding looks great too
I love those wedding shots. They're absolutely stunning! Thanks for sharing, G!
Also, all the best for your Etsy. :) And keep persevering, I'm sure God will answer soon enough. x
Oh suweeet. Those photos look so fun. What a beautiful fun wedding. =)
Those pictures are stunning!! I love them!! CUTE BLOG!
Thank you notes...what are those...Ah ha ha. AMAZING photos!
love this idea for a post! so fun to see what you're up to :)
Oh wow, that third picture down is absolutely amazing.
gorgeous girls! that one of them by the piano!? stunning. you can justs feel the love! aaahhh!
beautiful beautiful photos!!
thanks so much for sharing :)
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